
Sonair Sonair

the powerhouse behind incredible and engaging in-store radio and television, that gives you full control.

Reach Everyone.

A sweeping digital media solution

Talk to your customers with a combination of radio and visual media, tailored to your brand and business identity.


Sonair Radio is different. It's not just a playlist, it's an entire REAL radio station complete with your own company idents and jingles. Music and custom promotions will ebb and flow as the time of day changes providing a unique and refreshing environment for your customers.

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Sonair TV is a centrally controlled visual media solution, allowing you to broadcast advertisements and promotions to your customers. Group display screens together by site, region, or even location to enable finite control of your visual advertising elements.

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what we do

we help businesses promote & upsell.

Sonair Radio & TV can help to provide measurable increases in upsells and the uptake of promotions. With the Sonair platform, you have central control over all of your advertising material on both the radio and tv offerings. No more sending USB sticks to store managers, or emailing huge images!

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seriously, we're just better.

Your business impression is just as important to us, as it is to you.

“Years of dedication and expertise have gone into perfecting our software and music selection process. Unlike algorithms, we understand that music is a human experience that should be celebrated, not dictated by code. At our core, we believe that your business deserves a unique sound that reflects your identity and values. That's why we work closely with you to craft a tailored solution that you can be proud of. Let us help you amplify your brand's voice and create a lasting impression with your customers”

Team Sonair

Our client experience

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